Climate Gate, as viewed by the crusty ones

The crusty old codgers sitting around the hot stove on a chilly day at the Bizarreville General Store were once again philosophizing about the state of the world.  The topic turned to the latest Climate Gate fiasco.

“It’s about time that moronic Global warming crap has finally been debunked.  Look at these purple fingers, would you.  My keister is so frosty you could instantly chill a PBR between my cheeks.  I can’t stop my dentures from chattering…they’re wanting to walk right out of my mouth.  Feel these ears…on second thought, don’t …you might bust off a piece.”

“Global warming….ha!  I saw that movie by that Gore fella…what was it called?  An Incontinent truth?  If that guy’s not pink, then I’m Mother Teresa.  I think old Gore B. Choff wants to be the next World Enviro-czar, and go around locking the doors on power plant that emit carbon dioxide.  Hey, Comrade Gore, you emit carbon dioxide…how ’bout if we lock your mouth?”

bizarre112“Yeah, there’s a leader who knows how to walk the walk….as he jet-sets around the world, then takes his Caddy SUV to his 6-gazillion square foot mansion with 8 air conditioning units, 4 hot water heaters, and 13 crappers…then writes an article about how we should all tighten up our portholes and conserve.  Revolution by proxy.  Che Guevara in a 3-piece Armani suit with monogrammed “CG” shift cuffs.  Power to the People, baby. Pass me my decaf latte.  Ciao.”

“The truth is coming out that the science used in these studies may have been a bit flawed, a tad massaged.  Ooops, my calculator spit out the wrong number, not my fault.  I threw that dern thing out, and bought a new one now.  Will do better next time, trust me.”

“Yeah….or, oooops, I thought that was a nine instead of a zero.  I think my poodle must have dropped a little surprise on the data sheet.   My bad.  No dessert tonight.”

“Oooops, my Assistant sneezed on the graph and thought that glob was a real data point.   I put out a memo to all personnel – No more sneezing in the Analytical Lab, or you will be reprimanded.”

The sarcasm was getting pretty obnoxious, so the store manager finally kicked-out the old goats.  They were scaring away real customers.

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