Kook City

Democrat leaders have finally concluded that Nancy Pelosi has completely flipped her lid, and have decided to commit her to a local DC insane asylum.  Two oversized behemoths showed up at her office to haul her away, as she was seen/heard kicking and screaming, “No Trump bodyguards are shutting me up, or locking me up.  My friends in the Illegal Alien Community will not let this stand!”

The latest tipping point occurred when Pelosi went ballistic over Trump’s announced plans to submit a Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Ginsberg.  She threatened to initiate impeachment hearings immediately, if Trump proceeds with the nomination.  It is, of course, the President’s constitutional duty to make such a nomination.  But Pelosi claimed that this clause was yet another example of the numerous flaws in the Constitution.

Democrats, who have also spoken against Trump’s plan to announce a nominee, nevertheless felt that the impeachment threat was the clearest example of the Speaker’s mental derangement… an unfortunate deterioration in mental capacity that had begun when she ripped up the President’s State of the Union speech on live TV, and continued with her constant, obsessive whining, bellyaching, and overt displays of anger about everything the President did.  Democrat leaders feel that her latest crazy, bizarre behavior now puts the upcoming Election in Republican hands… unless she can be stifled.

Administrators at Kook City Rest Home indicate that they can keep her muzzled for 2 months, and far away from any cameras or microphones.  They have several “Happy Rooms” in back of the facility with freezers full of ice cream, and TV’s permanently tuned to Sesame Street.


Disclaimer:  all stories in Bizarreville are fiction, even the ones that sound pretty darn real.

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