Pelosi shows us how to waste time and lose focus

After a year of slithering, Nancy Pelosi has been able to finally find a thread of virtual-fault to pursue an impeachment process against the President.  Her Democratic base has been pressuring her to find something/anything to start some sort of impeachment path moving, even if it’s based on fake facts, fake documents, fake depositions, or fake conspiracy theories.  They were hoping to find an item a little less ludicrous than this Ukraine thing, but time was running out to get an accusation in the works prior to the 2020 election season.  If she dragged her feet, it’s likely she would get bounced…like a beachball at a Jimmy Buffet concert.

Dems feel they need some sort of rubber bullet to combat the President’s record of building a very strong economy with its record low levels of unemployment, 50 percent stock market gain, low inflation, wage growth across the board, and impressive GDP gains each quarter.  Most voters know that if Democrats win next year, the economy will bee-line for the toilet…so they need a red herring to convince low-info people that there’s more to consider than just prosperity.  This will be especially true if Dems nominate a socialist-leaning, anti-prosperity candidate such as Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders…each who have been doing some squalor-benchmarking from their beat-up ’55 Chevys down in Cuba.

The President has asked Ms. Pelosi to speed up this nonsense so that the Senate can bring this time-waster to a quick conclusion.  The Speaker has said she prefers to drag it out as long as possible.  This gives the news media has an ample chance to badger the President, in order to offset his ever present blabbering about how good the economy is doing…that, frankly, their base of squalor-huggers couldn’t care less about.

“Economy, e-shmonomy,” an advisor remarked, while reading her latest copy of Pravda.  “It’s not the economy, stupid.”


Disclaimer:  all stories in Bizarreville are fiction…or are they?

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