Archive for July 29th, 2024

Now Kamala

Now that Kamala is the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, the Democrat Party leaders are wondering how to spin her.  After all, she amassed the worst record as a Vice President since Spiro Agnew.  Her one major work assignment, to fix the southern border crisis, was a legendary screw-up, with millions and millions of illegal aliens flooding into the country under her watch.  Many feel, with her as President, that Putin will invade New Mexico, set up his own gambling casinos, while shutting down the Indian casinos.

Party leaders are certain they can put lipstick on any barnyard animal and can turn Kamala’s pathetic approval ratings into golden McNuggets.  All Democrat party members have been instructed to put on the “Love Kamala” face pronto, or risk being rebranded as a bigoted MAGA, and find a space under the bus.  And, they better jump on the Socialism bandwagon if they want to live in a nice tenement apartment after the revolution, get priority when standing in bread lines, and receive allocations of the better vodkas.

Senior leaders are not worried.  They were able to convince 80 million citizens to vote for Old Drifty Head last time, so should be able to rope them in for Comrade Kamal this go around.


Disclaimer:  stories in Bizarreville are fiction-ish.