
Whimsy, satire, irreverent humor, and hijinx from a place not so far away

Posts Tagged ‘prison suicide’

New ideas at Bizarreville Prison

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September 10th, 2013 Posted 2:07 am

Recently, a convicted kidnapper and rapist who had fully admitted guilt in trial was found hanged in his prison cell.  The story of his disgusting crimes and trial had made national news, so the hanging was deemed equally newsworthy by the Bizarreville national press.  Meanwhile, officials at the prison were under heavy pressure to do something about it, and not just sweep it under the rug…not realizing the fact that there were actually no rugs at the prison in question, and very few brooms, for that matter.

The prison warden, after fully assessing the situation with his staff, decided to do something about it.  They decided to issue ropes to every hard-core prison inmate, install load-tested hooks in every cell, and equip each cell with easily kick-out stools.  Doing this would alleviate the perplexing problem of the inmate having to fiddle with a darn bed sheet to somehow tie a noose, while looking for something/anything to latch onto in the sparsely-equipped jail cell.  One junior-level prison official suggested they provide ropes in an array of designer colors, so that the inmate could choose a rope that would look non-clashing with his prison garb in the aftermath photos.

The warden speculated that if the concept was adopted nationwide, it could save the taxpayers billions of dollars in costs of caretaking the scoundrels and dirtbags for the rest of their lives.  He viewed it as the most humane thing to do, particularly for the 100-year and up sentences, and a win/win for both sides.  He further speculated that the ropes used in the incidents might be able to be sold at high prices to collectors, depending on the notoriety of the deceased.  He said if they did it at his prison, it would free up his budget so he could feed the rest of the inmates upgraded beef cuts on Taco Night at the prison.

“The long-termers are looking for a quick way out of their hopeless situation,” said the prison warden, a veteran of 31 years at the prison.  “What’s the point in holding them in this dump for 30, 40, 60 years?  There’s a warm spot waiting for them on the other side.”

Some liberal groups have already started protesting the move, calling it barbaric…something they would have expected to see in the Middle Ages…thought up by some guy named Igor, the town’s resident hunchback.  The warden was offended by that comment, indicating that Igor was the name of his new grandson, and did not appreciate the jinx that he might develop a lumbar problem in the future.

The Head of the Bizarreville Bureau of Prisons Thug Division said they would take the proposal under advisement.  They have been concerned about the rising cost of inmate Health Care with the new government requirements, and this initiative could conceivably offset the increases.


Disclaimer:  all stories in Bizarreville are fiction, even the ones that sound so ridiculous that they could almost be true.